Friday, January 23, 2009

Cough, Cough, Sniff...

Our house has been filled with the sound of big coughs coming from little bodies. Both boys have been battling the cold bug this week, Levi more so than Cole. It reminds me of last spring when Levi had a trecherous cold. His little lips were raw and swollen from blowing his nose so much. We took this picture one morning while he watched cartoons. Notice the mountain of used tissues and the empty kleenex box. I think you might even be able to see his not-so-little upper lip sticking out. So pathetic. Anyway, I don't think it is going to get near as ugly this time. I'm just enjoying all of the cuddle time we are getting to have together.

1 comment:

Aunt nasty said...

I love when he has a runny nose. Its sad but all the ridiculous tissues everywhere crack me up!